Ready for summer 2018

Morbi volutpat nunc quis dolor blandit sagittis. Vivamus blandit dolor non tellus ullamcorper, quis aliquam tellus sollicitudin. Donec nec nibh non elit dictum pretium eget nec libero. Duis maximus eget lectus at blandit. Fusce euismod eros arcu, sed bibendum nisi ornare quis. Aliquam aliquam libero ante, vitae fermentum ipsum tincidunt convallis.

Photo Gallery

I love small boutique hotels and their local flavor and culture. I also love the comfort and amenities of big chains. This is the best of both worlds. On line reviews of this hotel are accurate…it’s a great hotel in a great location, at a great price.
– P. Bonar


Balcony view

Fusce id tempor neque, at molestie arcu. Sed congue sed felis maximus feugiat. Duis vestibulum risus purus, vel euismod quam fermentum quis. Sed consequat eget eros et aliquet. In pulvinar a lacus ut sagittis. Vivamus ultricies lobortis purus, vulputate sodales nisl. Morbi et sapien nunc. Duis sit amet pellentesque nulla. Integer vel vulputate ex. Vivamus lacinia faucibus elit, sed varius libero elementum quis. Vivamus vehicula commodo lectus, nec fermentum urna lobortis vitae. Duis et euismod urna, a feugiat arcu. Nunc a lacus quis mi facilisis scelerisque quis in metus. Nulla ultricies leo sed libero imperdiet, dictum rhoncus lorem dapibus.Etiam finibus et nisi eu ornare. Mauris eu imperdiet sapien. Integer in gravida justo. Morbi vel felis sed velit dictum rhoncus. Integer ultricies neque a ex convallis, eu vestibulum leo auctor. Praesent dolor turpis, dignissim non massa nec, malesuada finibus dui. Phasellus in pellentesque nunc, non eleifend dui. Etiam sem eros, dictum vel accumsan eu, pulvinar sit amet nunc. Vestibulum et lectus a dui aliquet rhoncus. Fusce scelerisque ac felis vitae interdum.

Covid-19 Update

COVID-19 Information


Dear guests,
In case this situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) causes problems with the current bookings for this season, we invite you to arrange your new travel dates by contacting on

If you don’t have new dates in mind, we will provide a voucher* to the value of your deposit, for use against bookings until October 2021. For any vouchers not redeemed in 18 months from the issue date, the original deposit paid will be returned at that time in full. Our official pricelist for 2021 will not see any changes from 2020.

Please contact us on about this option or to ask any questions.

Thank you for your understanding, stay healthy and positive!*Latest legislation by the Greek State, as well as other EU countries, (Government Gazette number 84 13/04/2020) directs businesses in the travel industry to issue a voucher instead of extending an immediate refund.